Posts Tagged ‘Local Church’

This is the Right Time to GTC Ontario!

The coming new year, 2011, is the right time for us to rise up and take North America. This continent is the land that God has given to us.  Not merely because it is our home, but more crucially, because the Lord is using it as a strategic staging area from which He may spread throughout the earth. To take North America, we need to take key city after key city, including those in the province of Ontario, Canada. For this move, we realize that God is way ahead of us, preparing the landscape for His move. He has operated in the affairs of men, using the current economic and social dislocation, uncertainty, and instability to cause people to seek for God, even if they don’t fully comprehend that is Whom they are in search.

We believe, as our brother Lee shared with us, in The World Situation and God’s Move:

The events of world history have been sovereignly arranged by God for Him to carry out His purpose. As Acts 17:26 says, He “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” The rise and fall of the kingdoms of earth and the boundaries of all the nations have been predetermined by Him.

God’s move among men is wrapped up with the course of history. Whether we speak of His becoming flesh through the incarnation, or of the spread of the gospel, or of the raising up of the church life, or of the preparation of the bride, all these aspects of His move require the proper environment, as far as the world situation is concerned.

Today, North America is going through another time of social, economic and political  unrest that is putting a great deal of  pressure on people. This is sovereignly arranged by God to fulfill His purpose. And, one can not fail to notice the parallels between the 2000’s and an earlier, tempestuous time in North America, i.e., the 60′.  In that decade, too, North America went through great dislocation. And like the 60’s, the Lord is using the tempest to produce something for Himself. Take a look at some of the following parallels.


The world situation in that decade was characterized by the:

  • Vietnam War
  • The Cold War (war of ideologies)
  • Student Unrest (student strikes, flag burning, draft dodging)
  • Kennedy (John & Robert) & Martin Luther King assassinations,
  • The Youth Culture and the Hippie Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement

The spiritual result of this time was characterized by:

  • Many people leaving traditional churches and religion in search for something real and meaningful
  • The Charismatic Movement in Catholicism and mainline Protestant churches, as a response to the exodus of believers
  • The Jesus people movement
  • Over an estimated 300,000 seeking believers in search for answers to their spiritual thirst and hunger
  • Many drawn to the Recovery through the writings of Watchman Nee


The world situation in the last ten years has been characterized by:

  • War in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • War On Terror
  • A disastrous collapse of the financial systems, recession and a weakened, unstable economy, coupled with the spectre of “peak oil”
  • A youth culture obsessed with instant gratification and the need of constantly connecting with others (regardless of how superficial the relationships are) through texting, Twitting and messaging others on Facebook.
  • Graduating university and college students with an unrealistic sense of entitlement and poor job prospects

This last decade has had a powerful spiritual impact as demonstrated by:

  • The decline of the mega-Churches, with many leaving those institutions because of their crass commercialism, their appealing to the baser appetites of people and offering entertainment and not genuine spiritual nourishment
  • Consequently, the House church movement has swelled, with many drawn to the writings of Watchman Nee
  • An estimated 20,000,000 seeking Christians in North American are looking for answers to the void they feel for a genuine expression of Christ and the church
  • People getting re-acquainted with the writings of Watchman Nee and discovering the writings of brother Witness Lee

Brother Lee in The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, reminds us,

“Because of the present situation in the world, there needs to be an appropriate direction for the Lord’s move in His recovery today. We should not think that the present changes in the world situation are meaningless. The Lord is not only the Creator of the universe but also the Ruler of the entire world.”

So how should we respond? Again, brother Lee points to four verses of scripture to help us see the direction we should take:

  1. The people who know their God will show strength and take action—Dan. 11:32.
  2. The truths in the Lord’s recovery need to be spread to the whole earth—cf. Matt. 24:14.
  3. Go and teach all the nations—cf. Matt. 28:19.
  4. How beautiful are the feet of those who go and teach—cf. Rom. 10:15.

This is the right time to spread the Lord’s recovery by going and teaching (showing strength and taking action). There is no need for special signs from God. The times and boundaries of the nations have been set. We need to do is to KNOW our God and go!

If you want to help in the Lord’s move to gospelize, truthize and churchize North America and more specifically, Ontario, we urge you to:

  1. Pray for this move
  2. Equip yourself (go to, study the contents of and subscribe to and to this website),
  3. Indicate the extent to which you can serve by completing the following form, GTCA Move in Guelph and Hamilton and,
  4. If you know anyone in those towns who might be open to contact during our sowing time in February, share that information in this form, gtcOntario Contacts

So don’t delay; pray, know your God, be strong, take action, go, teach and spread the Lord’s testimony.