Posts Tagged ‘Hamilton’

For What the Lord Has Done

Heartfelt Thanks

The results of the recent gospel trips to Hamilton and St. Catharines have elicited real heartfelt gratitude from the saints in those cities. They are grateful for the prayer support they received from so many churches in other localities. During the two-week period 608 bibles were given out and some 248 people requested further contact. That amounts to 4 out of ten bible recipients.

The Work of Many

These results were not produced by one or two people. Rather some 80 saints, including trainees from the FTTA, full-timers from Montreal and southern California and local saints from Hamilton, St. Catharines and Toronto volunteered anywhere from one day to the entire two-week period. This was a testimony of the supply that can be found in the Body of Christ.

Not only were these involved, but many others supported the work of the trainees through financial support. Others devoted their time to organizing and providing logistical support. The outpouring of time, concern and finances was remarkable. The churches’ cooperation in the Lord’s move was clearly manifested in their praying, sending and giving.

Thank the Lord for those who were always available to fellowship, pray and help in any way they could. Through such support, the saints in Hamilton and St.Catharines were supplied and enjoyed wonderful coordination and fellowship. The saints in these two cities felt they were not labouring alone but what happened in the last two weeks was altogether in the one Body.

The Full-Time Trainees

Finally, it must said, that having the full-time trainees at a significant part of the gospel team was a great encouragement and testimony of what the Lord is doing in our young people today. The way they conducted themselves, cared for the local young people and the burden they bore in Bible distribution, gospel preaching and follow-up of the positive ones was truly impressive.

Thank and praise the Lord for His marvelous doings.

What Next

As the saints in Hamilton and St. Catharines move forward, they are still praying that the Lord will burden some to migrate there to help strengthen His testimony, as well as care for the bible recipients. Toronto will be sending some saints to help in the labour in Hamilton

Please continue to pray for this area, that the two localities would have a healthy increase in life and in number.

— based on a letter by the brothers in Hamilton and St.Catharines

Other News

Here is more news from around the world.

Gospel Trip Report and Prayer Burdens 14 – Feb 11, 2013 (1)

Christ is So Enjoyable, To us He’s So Available!

Saturday, Feb.2, 2013

Praise the Lord for what He has done in Hamilton and St. Catharines. After a full week of labour the gospel team joined local saints on Saturday to enjoy the Word and pray corporately. This was followed by some fellowship to report on the appointments and contacts made from the past week. In the afternoon, the saints from St. Catharines took the team members out for lunch and a tour of Niagara Falls. In the evening, there was a young people’s meeting and the trainees gave their testimonies.

Lord’s Day, Feb.3, 2013

This past Lord’s day, saints from both Hamilton and St.Catharines were joined by saints from Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Guelph, Kitchener, Long Beach, CA and Amherst, NY for a wonderful time of blending and fellowship while they enjoyed the Lord’s Table. This was followed the prophesying meeting; this was a sweet expression of local saints sharing on the aspiration to be the overcomers, to be the Nazarites of today, and the need of prayer and to be joined to the Word. What a privilege that we can be used by God to turn the age!

ltm group picture

Prayer Burdens

We are so burdened that the young people in Hamilton and St Catharines will have an aspiration to go to the full-time training; that the saints in Ontario will be strengthened to be absolutely consecrated ones, separated unto God; men of prayer with an excellent spirit; and that the enemy would be bound while we are distributing Bibles and preaching the gospel at Brock University and Niagara College.

Clear Sky and Open Flood Gate

Blessings for Hamilton

Clear Sky-Open Flood Gate

The Lord has truly has cleared the sky and opened the flood gate of blessing in Hamilton through the prayer of the churches and coordination in the Body.

People Are Open

In the past three days over 23 full timers (8 from FTTA, 3 from Vancouver, 4 from Montreal, 6 from Toronto, 2 from Long Beach)  and local part-timers (5 from Hamilton, 4 from St. Catharines, 15 from Toronto) joined our prayer and distribution at a local prep school, McMaster University, and Mohawk College.
People are very open! Beside the 475 Bibles given out, over 10 received the Lord and over 40 follow-up appointments were made at the campuses. We would like to  saturate the campuses with the Bible and gain proper and useful vessels for the Lord’s recovery.

More Prayer is Needed

This is not to say there was no opposition.  We need much more prayer in the Body to protect and shield us from the enemy. We thank the churches for praying for us in the past few days but would ask for more prayers from the saints, on a daily basis, as the Lord leads them.

Mohawk College

We spent our third day at Mohawk Community College.  From 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, we had a table in the building, and distributed a total of 259 Bibles. Of these recipients, 111 requested follow-up contact.  The number of recipients who prayed to receive the Lord or called upon His name have yet to be confirmed. Also, the number of local saints participating also need to be confirmed.

So Far

This brings our 3 day total to 473 Bibles distributed, with 197 requesting further contact.


Bibles distributed

Wanting F/U

Jan. 28 (Day 1)



Jan. 29 (Day 2)



Jan. 30 (Day 3)






Those wanting some type of follow-up were classified as:

  • Warmest  (appointments made)
  • Warm
  • Not as interested

The warmest numbered 40 contacts who made appointments with the team members. We will have follow-up and appointments today.

On Friday, we will be going to Fairview Mall in St. Catharines.

Brothers and sisters, please keep praying!

–report from D.Chou


Initial GTCA Coordination

Fellowship For God’s Move

Coordination is a Matter of Being in Spirit

[January 28,2013]  This morning Bro. Michael Stewart  shared that we should spend considerable time every morning, individually and corporately, to exercise our spirit because there is no coordination if we are not in spirit.

He encouraged everyone to open their mouth and not remain a mystery. It is so important to exercise our spirit by opening our mouth to pray.

Coordination Requires Practical Oneness

We also need to be those who are one with the brothers and help each other to stay or return to our spirit. Learn to go the extra mile to fellowship with one another.

We are here to be one in our spirit and be one with the brothers because the Lord blesses the oneness. We are also learning to fellowship with one another for the sake of the Lord’s testimony. For example, if you are going to be late send a text. If you want to do something don’t just disappear, fellowship.

We are also here to help one another to be in spirit and to return to our spirit. In our unscheduled time we would like to read, The Proper Aggressiveness of the Lord’s Serving Ones. We could read 4 chapters a week in small groups. We can all benefit from the overflow of each other’s enjoyment.

Coordination in Prayer More Important Than Activities

We can be fully organized, we can have the best schedule, the best venues and the best material but it is the Lord who brings the person around the corner to meet us,  just at the right time.  We need to pray for sinners to be saved and for the proper and useful ones to be gained for His move. We need to learn to press on in our prayer to pray until we pray through the matter. Many of us are not used to that but we need to take back the ground from the enemy, in this matter of prayer.

Coordination Involves a Fight

We are in a fight. The enemy does not want God’s move in Hamilton and St. Catharines to happen.  So, we must fight.

How?  Rev.12:11 says “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony and they loved not their soul life unto death.”  This means that we overcome by confessing to the Lord and sometimes to one another; by being in the word to be constituted with the truth; and by not caring for our soul’s preferences and desires.  The best way to not love our soul life is to love our spirit. –report from R.Spee

So let us pray to be in the realm of our spirit, through this whole two-week period.

First Lord’s Day for GTCA Team

Blending Time On Lord’s Day

Team Blends with church in Toronto and saints from Target Cities

On the morning of January 27, the visiting gospel Team joined the churches from the greater Toronto area and the saints from the GTCA target cities for a rich enjoyment of Christ at the meeting hall in Toronto.

Introduction to Daniel and Zechariah

After the Lord’s Table, Brother David Chou from Irvine, California shared an opening word to launch the digestion of the winter training on Daniel and Zechariah and to share the burden for prayer for GTCA.  He began by quoting the inscription on Brother Lee’s tomb.

“The processed and consummated Triune God according to the desire of His heart…is building Himself into His chosen people and building His chosen people into Himself… The New Jerusalem is the unique and ultimate consummation of His unique work. ..”

He continued by sharing: “For the coming 12 weeks, we will pursue the Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.  In spite of God’s desire, God’s people became fallen and degraded but God did not give them up. In Daniel, we see the divine history within the human history.  In Zechariah, God is gaining His miraculous structure of treasure. The divine history is just Christ and the church. This Christ is the excellent One as the centrality and universality of God’s economy and the precious and pre-eminent One in God’s move. In everything He desires that we would give Him the pre-eminence in our personal universe.”

“Daniel and his companions had an excellent spirit because they exercised to pray and as a result God revealed what was in His heart to Daniel. We are at the consummation of this great human image that God revealed to Daniel. We desire to be the overcomers today to coöperate with Him to end this age.  In Zechariah, He is the stone with seven eyes. We need to pay the price to buy the oil to become sons of fresh oil so that the lampstand can burn brighter.

“We want to continue with 21 days of prayer. We need to break through the outer man to enter into the holy of holies to be one with Christ for His expression. Then we need to continue to pray by going to the incense altar to pray kingdom prayers to deal with Satan for God’s dominion on the earth.”

 A Concluding Word on Daniel and Zechariah

After several saints shared their enjoyment of this first week of the HWMR, Brother Michael Stewart, from Long Beach, California shared a concluding word, beginning with the last paragraph on Day 6, “We all need to learn three things: that this universe is under God’s administration; that God’s intention in His administration is to make Christ pre-eminent, to cause Him to have the first place in everything; and that for the accomplishment of God’s intention, we, His people, His elect, must give Him the best coordination and coöperation. Through our coordination and coöperation, God will consummate His eternal intention to make Christ pre-eminent through the rule of the heavens” (LS of Daniel, pp. 77-78).

 The Burden to Gospelize, Truthize and Churchize North America

“Three years ago the brothers received a burden to gospelize, truthize, and churchize America. This is a 10 year  plan to raise up 5000 new satins and 250 new churches. Two years ago, we went to Guelph and Hamilton and this year we are going again to Hamilton and St. Catharines. We can take part in at least three ways, by going, by giving, and by praying. We are taking the lead to coöperate with the Lord through GTCA, like Daniel in Dan. 6:10.”

Man’s Prayer to Carry Out God’s Economy

He read footnote on Dan. 6:7 –  “The centre of this chapter is man’s prayer for the carrying out of God’s economy. Through His faithful channels of prayer God carries out His economy with His elect for Christ’s coming. God desires to carry out His economy, but man is needed to pray for His economy on earth. Satan’s strategy is to frustrate the prayer that is for God’s move. The intention of the chief ministers and satraps was to destroy Daniel, but the intention of Satan, who was behind them was to cut off the channel of prayer that God was using for the carrying out of His economy.”

“Daniel prayed for 21 days and his prayers were heard in the heavens, but they were opposed. Behind the physical situation there is a spiritual warfare. Two years ago, in Guelph especially, there was strong opposition. We have no way except through your prayers. The key to success is thorough and adequate prayer, even it would be good if some would pray three times a day like Daniel did. “Lord, we want You to have the pre-eminence in Hamilton.  Lord, strengthen Your lampstand in St. Catharines. Amen, Lord.”

 Love Feast

After the Lord’s table and prophesying meeting in Toronto,  we had a love feast at the hall with the saints from out-of-town including saints from St. Catharines and Hamilton who then transported the Team to their hospitality in those two cities.

Praise the Lord! Amen! Hallelujah!

–report from R. Spee


A Fresh Sowing

A Fresh Sowing in Hamilton and St.Catharines

GTCA in 2011

Two years ago, the Lord brought together a team of FTTA trainees, full-timers and local saints to descend upon the cities of Guelph and Hamilton, where hundreds of Bibles were distributed, the gospel was preached and God’s economy was shared.  Though it was  an especially cold winter and the snow came down heavily on some of the days, the team was full of grace and power as they shared with many seeking ones.

The results were encouraging, as seeking families, young working adults and college students heard and received the word spoken by the team members. Several of these contacts opened their homes to us or made appointments for follow up visits. A handful, especially from Hamilton, have remained in contact with the saints there to this day.

GTCA in 2013

Next week a new team, comprising new FTTA trainees, a number of full timers from Montreal and southern California and many local volunteers from the target cities and the hub city,Toronto, will once again come to Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize this part of North America, i.e., Hamilton and St. Catharines.

Embracing the Ministry of Prayer

Although, this GTCA move will not involve all of us in the surrounding localities directly, we can participate in a very crucial way: WE CAN ALL PRAY! God is ready to release Himself into His chosen ones, but He is waiting for something. According to Ezekiel 36:37:

Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.

God is ready to increase His testimony in these two cities, but He wants us to ask Him to do it. May we all pick this burden to inquire of Him:

  • to empower the Team members with the in-filling and out-filling of the Holy Spirit
  • to keep all the Team members in the sweet one accord
  • to send the seven-fold intensified Spirit into the hearts of people
  • to arrange that the chosen ones be at the right place and time to meet the right team member and to hear the right word
  • to grant the saints a strong and effective coordination in all the practical matters
  • to keep all the Team members in good health and free from the attacks of the enemy
  • to push back and shame the evil one and his followers in the air in these two cities

Let us pray first, before anything else, and see the Lord move!

For more information on Hamilton and the Lord’s move in the rest of North America,  go to the following links:

To get the word out to other saints, please add this and the other links to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Also, take part in the dialogue by writing a reply to this post. If you are burdened to write a post for this blog, send your inquiry, including what you propose to write about, to:

Who do you know in Guelph and Hamilton?

Between the greater Hamilton and Guelph areas there are over a million people. I’m sure that between all of us in the churches in southern Ontario and other parts of Canada, we must know a good number of people from this huge area.

We may have forged many and varied relationships with these people, over the years. The possible relationships we may have built may include any one of the kinds listed below. How many can you think of?

  • Childhood friends
  • Schoolmates (primary to college)
  • Neighbours
  • Immediate family: dads, moms, brothers, sisters
  • Extended family: cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and
  • Extra-extended family, like second cousins, aunts, uncles
  • In-laws
  • Former and current work chums and colleagues
  • Professional associates
  • Volunteer organizations
  • Community contacts: mailman, grocer, bank teller, health club operators, dentist, doctor, chiropractor, favourite restaurant staff, etc.

Any of these ring a bell?  Would you please take a minute to think about all the people you know in the Guelph and Hamilton areas and list them on a piece of paper. When done, look at the list, consider the names, make mention of them before the Lord. After praying for these, consider which ones should be contacted, according to the Lord’s leading. Now, take action!  How? Complete the following form, gtcOntario Contacts.

Once you have completed the form, place these contacts in the Lord’s hands, continue to pray and, perhaps, contact them directly to gauge their openness to coming to one of the gtcOntario events or to receiving a BfC Bible or ministry literature.

What if you don’t know anyone from these towns and surrounding areas? OK, that’s fair. But do you know someone else who might know people in these two target cities?  Please share this article with them and encourage them to complete the gtcOntarioContacts form.

For the sake of His move in Ontario, let’s be strong and take action!

Seeking and Hungry Ones Sought

With the upcoming gtcOntario sowing time in Guelph and Hamilton, it is crucial that we focus on people, not mere activity. Oh, there will be plenty of activity, to be sure. But the focus of this move is people, especially seeking and hungry people.

So, who do we know in and around these two cities? Do we have friends studying at McMaster? At University of Guelph? Do we have acquaintances from work, in either of those cities? What about relatives? Work colleagues? Did we give out a “Bibles for Canada” New Testament to anyone in that area?

We need for all of us to think about who we know, especially the seeking Christians and the hungry and thirsty unbelievers. Between these two cities and including all the towns within 30 minutes of them, we are looking at a population of well over a million people. Surely, there must be seeking Christians who are waiting to hear the liberating message of God’s eternal purpose and His plan to carry it out. And among the unbelievers, surely there are many sons of peace waiting for us to knock at their doors.

To reach at least some of these seeking and hungry ones, we need to be prudent stewards.  We need to till the ground and prepare it for sowing, and even reaping, in those first two weeks of the GTCA move in Ontario. That’s why we need your help. If you have contacts in and around these two cities we would like to know about them. Our hope is that many of these would be open to on-going contact and even to having a meeting in their homes.

gtcOntario is compiling a list of these contacts so that we may better manage all our tilling and sowing efforts. Among the things we plan to do is to send them invitations to our events and to offer them free literature and/or Bibles.

Please, consider carefully who you might know in these cities and let us know about them. You may share with us that information by completing this form, gtcOntario Contacts. If you have any questions, write to us at Please include the most current information you have, including: name, gender, address, phone number, email address and comments (explaining your relationship to the contact and suggesting the best way to approach the contact).

May the Lord have a way to reap many seeking and hungry ones in Guelph and Hamilton, this coming February.

Grace to you!

Calling all Saints

There are many ways you can take part in the GTCA move. First all, we need to watch and pray. The enemy is alert, roaming around seeking whom he may devour, distract, defraud, delay, dishearten, detour…

So we must cooperate with the Lord to pray and carry out His will here in North America. So, pray for:

  • yourself and the other local saints to have a heart for the Lord’s move
  • the tilling of the ground in preparation for the upcoming sowing time
  • the Teams and the gospel trips in February
  • the outreach venues
  • the distribution of many thousands of Bibles and literature sets
  • the prevailing gospel with at least a 1000 men and women being saved
  • the forming of hundreds of home meeting
  • the watering of the seeds sown in February
  • the farming of the tilled, sown and watered ground, coupled with saints migrating to targeted cities
  • the successful planting of dozens of church trees in 2011

In addition to praying, go to the Lord and seek His leading on how to give your time and energy to serve, especially during the sowing time in February. You can also give, and not just money.  Consider, babysitting for the saints who want to serve part-time but have children to care for. How about cooking or baking snacks and lunches for the FTTA trainees. There are so many ways.

Even before the sowing time in February there is a great need to till the ground and get the word out about this move. One thing you could do is to share about this website to your friends on Facebook or you could tweet your friends about it. You could also become “friends” with this website’s Facebook page (Gtc Ontario) or follow us on Twitter (gtcOntario@Lordismoving) and encourage others to do so.

Here is another consideration. If you are planning to serve part-time, say in Hamilton or Guelph, why not do a two-minute video and upload it to YouTube, JustinTV, etc. and link it to this website and to our Facebook and Twitter pages. What can you share? Here are some things you can talk about:

  • Tell people how the Lord has impressed you with His desire to spread His testimony all over North America.
  • Tell viewers how you have responded and what you plan to do to cooperate in this move.
  • Mention, if you would like, the city where you will serve and what you know about the city
  • Share verses or excerpts from the ministry that inspire you to move with the Lord
  • Make an appeal to saints you know to join you and give yourselves to be vitalized, constituted with the truth and to show strength and to take action.

Keep it simple, sincere and straightforward; be yourself and don’t perform, just share in a genuine way.

The Lord is calling us to move with Him. We must not fall behind Him, nor go ahead of Him. We pray that all of us in His recovery will heed His call.

Young Adults Encouraged to Be Part of God’s Move in North America

We are so excited to be part of God’s present move in North America, i.e., to plant at least 250 new church trees in the next ten years.  In particular, we are happy to be part of the move to gospelize, truthize and churchize cities right here in Ontario.

This coming year our focus will be on the cities of Guelph and Hamilton. We are already arranging venues, outreach opportunities, and even appointments with seeking ones in both cities in order to have an intensified sowing time the first two weeks of February.

This move is a move of the Body, not merely of some gifted or talented people. Brothers and sisters of all ages are encouraged to pray, go and give for this move. We are especially hopefuls that many young adults will set aside time  to be part of the gtcOntario move.

If you are from neighboring cities and you have time during January or February we encourage you to come and serve, even on a part-time basis. To show your willingness to serve, please complete this google form by clicking here!